Best Small Business Books for Small Business Owners

Best Small Business Books for Small Business Owners

Small business books are essential tools for business owners and entrepreneurs aiming to transform their approach to business management. As a small business owner myself I understand, the journey of learning never stops. However, it’s about continuously evolving, not only in how you run your business but also in how you think about it.

In this article, we’ll go over the six most important books for small business owners. These books provide insight for the small business journey, including my own. It teaches readers how to step back, see the bigger picture, and build their business in better ways.

Let’s dive into these six books and their core ideas. We will be focusing on unconventional strategies and the shift from working in your business to working on it. In the end, we want to better understand the ideas from these books. However, whether they are worth reading for you, as a small business owner, or someone considering starting a small business.

“The E-Myth” by Michael E. Gerber | Small Business Books

"The E-Myth" by Michael E. Gerber: small business books

“The E-Myth,” or the Entrepreneurial Myth, by Michael E. Gerber, is a compelling read for small business owners. The book delves into the common misconceptions surrounding entrepreneurship and small business operations.

Gerber expertly illustrates why most small businesses don’t work and what can be done about it. The book’s central premise is that being skilled in a technical field is not the same as running a business in that field. Additionally, to further help your business needs, consider what KPIS your small business should be tracking.

Key Points:

  • Entrepreneurial Myth: Many business owners believe that expertise in a technical skill translates to success in a business that does that technical work. Gerber argues that this is a myth.
  • Work on Your Business, Not in It: The book emphasizes the need for business owners to step back from day-to-day tasks, instead focusing on strategic growth and systems development.
  • The Importance of Systems: Gerber advocates for creating systems that improve business efficiency without the constant involvement of the owner.
  • Business Development Phases: The book outlines the lifecycle of a business–infancy, adolescence, and maturity–and offers insights on navigating each stage.
  • Turnkey Revolution: Gerber introduces the concept of developing a replicable business model like a franchise, even if you don’t intend to franchise.

Personal Takeaway:

For me, “The E-Myth” was more than just a small business book. It changed my business life. If I could recommend one book to any small business owner, it would be this one.

Gerber’s perspective on the distinction between working on your business versus in your business revolutionized my own approach. Moreover, it’s not just about being great at what your business does, but about shaping the business itself to work efficiently.

This insight transformed how I view and manage my business, instilling in me the importance of strategic thinking and system development. It’s a fundamental shift that can redefine the trajectory of any small business.

“Rework” by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

"Rework" by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

“Rework” is a refreshing take on the modern workplace and business strategies, authored by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, founders of Basecamp. This book stands out for its straightforward and contrarian approach to traditional business practices.

It challenges the status quo, questioning the necessity of aspects like long hours, growth for the sake of growth, and the traditional business plan. Building on these concepts, for those who are intrigued by applying innovative marketing strategies within niche industries such as home services, researching ways to market locally can help in navigating the specific in such sectors, ensuring a streamlined approach that reflects the simplicity championed by “Rework. Conversely, “Rework” advocates for a simpler, more efficient way of working and running a business.

Key Points:

  • Efficiency Over Growth: The book emphasizes doing more with less and questions the relentless pursuit of growth.
  • Simplification of Work: It encourages a streamlined approach to tasks and projects, cutting out the unnecessary.
  • Challenge the Norms: Fried and Hansson urge readers to rethink standard business practices and consider whether they truly serve the business’s interests.
  • Embracing Constraints: “Rework” suggests that limitations can be a source of creativity and efficiency.
  • Importance of Action: The authors promote a bias towards action, rather than getting bogged down in planning and meetings.

Personal Takeaway:

“Rework” profoundly impacted my approach to business. It compelled me to step out of my daily routine and critically assess my actions. This book asks the hard questions: Am I truly doing what’s best for my business and my clients? Or am I just busy with what I think is best?

Reading “Rework” was a reality check, urging me to focus on what genuinely matters. It helped me distinguish between mere busyness and meaningful work. This helped direct my attention to the core problems and solutions within my business. A crucial perspective shift, encouraged by the book, has honed my approach to work, ensuring that my efforts align with my business’s true needs and goals.

“The One Minute Manager” by Kenneth H. Blanchard and Spencer Johnson

"The One Minute Manager" by Kenneth H. Blanchard and Spencer Johnson

“The One Minute Manager” by Kenneth H. Blanchard and Spencer Johnson is a classic in the field of management. Concise and easy-to-read, this story delves into the secrets of effective management. The authors present a simple yet profound framework for managing people in a way that enhances their confidence and productivity.

The book breaks down the management process into three key techniques: One Minute Goals, One Minute Praisings, and One Minute Reprimands, each designed to help managers achieve more with their teams in less time.

Key Points:

  • One Minute Goals: Setting clear and concise goals with direct reports to ensure they understand what is expected of them.
  • One Minute Praisings: Offering immediate and specific praise when employees do something right, reinforcing positive behavior.
  • One Minute Reprimands: Addressing mistakes quickly and constructively, focusing on the behavior, not the person.
  • Empowerment Through Trust: Encouraging autonomy for employees and showing trust in their capabilities.
  • Simple but Effective Management: The idea that effective management doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming.

Personal Takeaway:

For me, as a business owner and a bit of a perfectionist, managing people has always been a challenge. Trusting others to meet my high standards wasn’t easy. “The One Minute Manager” changed how I approach management. In particular, it taught me the importance of giving people space to excel and the skill of guiding them constructively when they falter.

The book helped me understand that managing effectively isn’t about expecting perfection or being quick to reprimand. It’s about finding a balance, accepting people’s humanity, and being involved in their process of improvement. Namely, learning to swiftly acknowledge good work and address issues in a respectful, clear manner not only improved my relationship with my team but also enhanced our overall productivity.

This book truly reshaped my perspective on management. It emphasized that the heart of good management is building people up, not just expecting results.

“Who Not How” by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy

"Who Not How" by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy

“Who Not How” by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy is a transformative read for anyone striving to achieve greater success in their business. Similarly, the book challenges the common instinct of business owners to ask, “How can I do this task?” and instead encourages them to ask, “Who can do this task?

Shifting your mindset from being a solo problem-solver to building a team that can solve problems effectively is a key focus of the book. It advocates for leveraging the strengths of others to achieve goals more efficiently.

Key Points:

  • Delegation and Teamwork: Emphasizing the importance of finding the right people to accomplish tasks, rather than trying to do everything yourself.
  • Focus on Strengths: Encouraging business owners to concentrate on their strengths and delegate areas outside their expertise.
  • Building a Strong Network: The book stresses the value of creating a network of skilled individuals who contribute to various aspects of the business.
  • Increased Productivity: By focusing on ‘who’, not ‘how’, business owners see a significant increase in productivity and innovation.
  • Strategic Thinking: It urges leaders to engage more in strategic thinking and visioning, rather than getting caught up in day-to-day operations.

Personal Takeaway:

As an entrepreneur, my instinct was to rely on myself. I believed that doing things on my own was the hallmark of a successful business owner. However, “Who Not How” opened my eyes to a different perspective.

I learned that the sooner you embrace the power of finding the right people for the right tasks, the quicker success comes. This book was instrumental in changing my approach to business. It taught me to focus on my strengths and to build a team that complements my skills and fills in the gaps.

Understanding that a good business thrives on collective expertise, not just individual effort, was a strong step in my journey. It helped me become a leader rather than a doer. This way, I was able to keep focusing on strategic growth while trusting my team to handle the operational aspects. This not only accelerated our success but also created a more dynamic and innovative business environment.

“The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries| Small Business Books

"The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries


“The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries has become an essential playbook for entrepreneurs seeking to innovate and build successful businesses in the modern world. This book introduces a methodology that favors experimentation over elaborate planning. In the realm of small business books, it is one that is extremely helpful. It favors iterative design over traditional “big design up front” development, and customer feedback over intuition. AI digitial marketing is another new trend that is taking over local business operations. It is important to mull over how this type of service can help, experimentation with it and what it can offer can allow for your business to thrive.

Ries emphasizes the importance of agility and the ability to pivot when necessary. This is done by using a systematic, scientific approach for creating and managing successful startups in an age of uncertainty.

Key Points:

  • Build-Measure-Learn Loop: The core concept of the Lean Startup methodology, emphasizing the importance of quickly building a minimum viable product (MVP), measuring its effectiveness in the market, and learning from the results.
  • Validated Learning: Focusing on a process that allows startups to test their visions continuously, adapting and adjusting before it’s too late.
  • Innovative Accounting: Understanding how to measure progress, set up milestones, and prioritize work.
  • Pivoting: The idea of changing course with one foot anchored in what you’ve learned so far about your business.
  • Sustainable Business Practices: Encouraging startups to focus on practices that allow them to operate efficiently and sustainably.

Personal Takeaway:

Reading “The Lean Startup” was a pivotal moment in my entrepreneurial journey. It dispelled the myth that starting a strong business requires a lot of money or resources. The book’s philosophy taught me that constraints often spark the most creative and effective business solutions.

The emphasis on action—planning, doing, measuring, and learning—resonated deeply with me. It was a call to stop waiting for the perfect moment or resources and just start moving forward with what I had. This approach streamlined the development of my business idea into something more responsive to the market’s needs. It’s a testament that success in business is not about the resources you have but about how effectively you can use what’s available to you.

“The Lean Startup” was instrumental in shaping a more pragmatic, action-oriented approach to my business ventures, showing that the best time to start is now, with whatever you have.

“The 4-Hour Workweek” by Timothy Ferriss

"The 4-Hour Workweek" by Timothy Ferriss


“The 4-Hour Workweek” by Timothy Ferriss is a thought-provoking book that challenges conventional beliefs about work, productivity, and lifestyle. Ferriss proposes the idea that it’s possible to escape the 9-5 grind, live anywhere, and join the ‘new rich’ by embracing a lifestyle of minimalism in work hours and maximizing the output.

This book is not just about working less; it’s about working smarter. It introduces concepts like outsourcing, automation, and time management, aiming to create a more flexible and fulfilling lifestyle.

Key Points:

  • Outsourcing and Automation: Encouraging the delegation of tasks to virtual assistants and using technology to automate processes.
  • Distinguishing between Efficiency and Effectiveness: Focusing on being effective rather than just efficient.
  • The 80/20 Principle: Applying the Pareto Principle to identify the 20% of efforts that contribute to 80% of results.
  • Creating Automated Income Streams: Strategies for generating passive income that doesn’t require a constant time investment.
  • Liberation from the Traditional Work Environment: Encouraging remote work and flexible lifestyle designs.

Personal Takeaway:

Namely, people misunderstand “The 4-Hour Workweek” as a guide to laziness, but I interpreted its message differently. To me, Ferriss’s book is a masterclass in efficiency. It taught me a vital lesson: as a business owner, your time shouldn’t be monopolized by your most demanding clients, especially if they aren’t the most profitable.

Learning to prioritize clients based on their value and finding ways to solve problems efficiently. This done often by spending money where it saves time, is a crucial skill. This approach changed my perspective on business management. It’s not about the number of hours you work; it’s about the value you create in those hours.

Whether you aim for a four-hour workweek or not, the underlying principle of focusing on efficiency and high-value tasks is a valuable lesson for any entrepreneur. It underscores the importance of working smart, not just hard. Additionally, it also reminds us that sometimes the best solution is to step back and let others take the lead,

The Value of Reading the Right Small Business Books

For small business owners, the power of reading cannot be overstated. Moreover, it also reminds us that sometimes the best solution is to step back and let others take the lead, especially in areas outside our expertise.

Each of these books we’ve discussed offers a unique perspective and valuable insights into different aspects of running a business. They challenge conventional wisdom, encourage out-of-the-box thinking, and provide practical strategies that can be immediately applied. The real treasure lies in the depth of understanding and the actionable takeaways these books offer. Integrating these strategies with modern marketing techniques tailored for small businesses can significantly enhance revenue generation, illustrating the importance of a multifaceted approach to business growth.

In the world of business, where time is a precious commodity, choosing the right books to read is crucial. Indeed, I’d argue that revisiting these essential reads multiple times to fully grasp and implement their lessons is more beneficial than skimming through a multitude of lesser works. It’s about finding those key books that resonate with your needs. It is also about your goals as a business owner, allowing them to guide and inspire your journey.

Remember, the goal of reading as an entrepreneur isn’t just to gain knowledge; it’s to spark change, foster innovation, and drive your business forward. As you turn the pages of these invaluable small business books, you’re not just reading—you’re building the foundation for a more successful, efficient, and fulfilling business venture. Therefore, let these books be your mentors, guiding you to think differently, act wisely, and achieve more than you ever thought possible

About Brightbeam: Guiding Business Owners to Success with Timeless Wisdom

About Brightbeam: Guiding Business Owners to Success with Timeless Wisdom

At Brightbeam, our mission is to help small business owners navigate the complex journey of entrepreneurship with clarity and confidence. We understand that the right knowledge is a powerful catalyst for growth and success. This is why we incorporate the timeless wisdom found in essential small business books into our approach.

We believe that the key to making the right decisions and growing revenue lies in learning from those who have already paved the way. Furthermore, our team of experts not only stays abreast of the latest trends and strategies in business management but also deeply values the foundational principles highlighted in these influential books. From understanding the importance of working on your business, not just in it, as advocated in “The E-Myth”, to embracing the lean principles of “The Lean Startup”, we integrate these teachings into practical, actionable advice for our clients.

As business owners and marketers, our goal at Brightbeam is understanding our clients and offering solutions to fit their needs. Additionally, we harness key small business literature to refine strategies, boost efficiency, and increase revenue for business owners.

Whether it’s rethinking your marketing plan, embracing the art of delegation, or learning to prioritize tasks effectively, we’re here to help you apply these invaluable lessons to your business. Let Brightbeam be your partner in transforming these insights into tangible results. And let us guide you towards a future of sustainable growth and success.

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